Laura Armin-Nicklen

Veterinary Nurse

Laura Armin-Nicklen - Veterinary Nurse
Laura Armin-Nicklen RVN Veterinary Nurse

Laura has been a qualified RVN for 9 years.   She previously worked in a garden centre for 12 years, then decided to completely change career path and start again, and is sure my current colleagues regret this decision...!

Laura loves working with people who have become close friends, and  enjoys the fast pace of the hospital environment. Every day is different, and although it can be exhausting, ultimately she finds her job very rewarding.

Laura lives with Dottie the collie, Effie the cat and Kenneth the menace, who was a hand reared kitten and likes to remind everyone of this at every opportunity. Oh, and her long-suffering husband who didn't expect to end up with so many pets!