Cats and Kittens

Our services and advice for cats

Cat Only Clinic

Cat-Only Clinic at our Staithes Lane branch in Morpeth


Did you know that we are one of the only ‘cat-only’ clinics in Northumberland! 


We are thrilled by this and are delighted to be able to offer this in our ISFM Bronze Accredited, calm, safe space for cat only appointments. 

Find out more here


Kittens and cats are at risk from a number of diseases that can result in permanent health damage or even death. However, vaccination and regular boosters can prevent these diseases.

In new born kittens, provided that the mother is immune, the antibodies in the mother's milk are usually sufficient to protect the kitten during the first few weeks of life. This form of immunity does not last very long, and when it decreases, vaccination becomes essential.

The first (primary) vaccination is usually given in two doses, the first dose from the age of 9 weeks and the about 3-4 weeks later. Your kitten will be fully covered one week after their second vaccination.

Yearly booster vaccinations are essential to maintain good immunity. Remember that your cat's visit to the veterinary surgery for an annual booster is also a good opportunity for a thorough examination and health check.

Until your kitten is vaccinated, it should:

  • Not be allowed to mix with unvaccinated cats
  • Not be allowed outdoors

Did you know, all routine vaccinations are covered under the Pet Health Club. Find out more here.


Kittens are commonly affected by two types of worms - tapeworms and roundworms.

Some worms can pass from pets to people, most human infections cause only minor symptoms but some cases can lead to serious conditions such as blindness and epilepsy.

Kittens should be wormed regularly, please ask the practice about the best regime for your kitten.

Under the Pet Health Club, you will receive year round worm treatments! Find out more here.

Flea Control

Fleas are the most common cat parasites and can cause irritation, allergy and spread disease. Cats also often catch ticks.

There are many products now available (some can treat both worms and fleas) we can advise you which products will be most suitable for your kitten.

Under the Pet Health Club, you will receive year round treatment for fleas! Find out more here.


It is now compulsory for all cats aged 20 weeks or over to be microchipped.  Failure to do so may result in criminal prosecution and a fine of up to £500.

We use high quality Tracer ® microchips which are registered on the Petlog database. The microchip is the size of a small grain of rice and is inserted into the scruff of your dog's neck, in a very quick and simple process. The microchip should last for the lifetime of your cat.

The Pet Health Club believes that microchipping is an important aspect of responsible pet ownership. That is why it is included as part of the plan. Find out more here.



Both male and female cats are usually neutered between five and six months of age although the operation can be carried out at any time after this age.

We advise all cats should be neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Neutering your female cat also decreases the risk of mammary cancer, neutering your male cat will mean he is less likely to get into fights or urinary spray.

What to expect

Your cat will come in as a day patient in the morning and go home in the afternoon. This will involve a period of starvation the night before.

Both male and female cats will have a general anaesthetic. Male cats are castrated through a small incision in the scrotum. Female cats are neutered through an incision on their flank or midline on their belly.

The stitches are usually in place for fourteen days.

Possible complications

Every anaesthetic has a small risk associated with it but your pet will have a general health check on admission and complications are very rarely encountered.

As a member of the Pet Health Club you can receive 20% off neutering. Find out more here.

For any further information or advice, please contact your local practice and speak to one of our friendly staff. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online.

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